- to start, we are adding a ‘Holiday’ Cleaning Up Britannia event, and we may add a ‘General’ cleanup event in the future for non-holiday items
- can trash or throw-out prior-years holiday items in the ‘Holiday’ Cleaning up Britannia trash bin in exchange for Points to be spent at the Cleaning Up Britannia vendor
- only items 6 months or older will be accepted
- items that were transferred from Celador to Britannia are worth 4 points each & any Holiday items (6 months or older) are worth 2 points each & some items may have a higher value
- any qualifying stackable items, like prior years’ holiday currency, are worth a fraction of a point per item
- future holidays will give players options to convert a part of their CUB points to the current year’s holiday currency or they can be spent immediately for items on the CUB vendor, see below
- portable CUB trash bag for 1 point
- 25k gold check for 25 points
- Name Change Deed for 50 points
- Pet Bonding Deed for 100 points
- Clothing Bless Deeds (slotted) for 200 points
- Ethereal Horse Statue (500 charges) for 250 points
- Universal CBD for 450 points
Usually around major holidays when we add ways to obtain holiday items in exchange for some kind of currency, we will offer a way for you to exchange your points for the current holiday’s currency, check the latest announcements for details!