The /outfitter command is now available to players, allowing them to access the Outfitter menu at any time.
The Outfitter system can be enabled to temporarily use customized skills and stats during Duels and Faction Events. However, a small fee will be charged.
In the Outfitter menu, you can experiment with different character builds by customizing your skills and stats specifically for Duels and Faction Events.
The selected character build will be applied when you enter the event and automatically removed when you exit.
Using the Outfitter system will incur a cost of 100gp per Duel or 500gp per Faction Event. The fee will be deducted from your bank at the beginning of the event.
It’s important to note that equipment and resources are not included in the Outfitter system, and they will not be consumed during the event.
Factioners Warning: If you leave the Faction Area early the Outfitter effect will end and you will have to pay again the next time you enter!