Open the Bug Report windows with the commands /bug or /bugreport, or use the Bug Report option in the Escape menu to access this.
You can attach an object/item to have information about the object sent with your report.
If you want to give feedback that isn’t a bug, use /feedback instead.
We’ll use the picture above as an example.
Steps to follow to create a custom hotbar button:
Here are a few examples of slash commands used in chat compared to how they should be written in /custom to get the same result:
Shortcut | Purpose |
L | Opens the Quest Log (in keybinds, this is referred to as “Toggle Ability Window”) |
TAB | Cycles targets. Press Y to validate a target |
G | Targets self |
T | Selects current target |
Y | Selects previous target |
/ | Toggles Walk/Run |
B | Toggles Backpack |
C | Toggles Paperdoll, aka Character Sheet |
K | Toggles Skillbook |
Z | Resets the camera rotation |
INSERT | Changes overhead names depending on names filters |
H | Disables or enables overhead names, depending on names filters |
O | Notoriety menu |
J | Disables or enables health bars under characters, NPC’s, pets and monsters |
SPACE | Enters or exits War Mode |
U | Toggles Karma Protection |
undefined | Uses last item used. Bind to Custom Action 1 in settings |
undefined | Uses right hand item, i.e. for skinning. Bind to Custom Action 2 in settings |
M | Map of Britannia |
Left Shift | Displays NPC, players’ and pets’ name platesin the world when held |
Left Control | Displays item name plates in the world when pressed down |
Alt + LMB | Automatically ‘loot all’ on the current corpse |
undefined | Toggles the UI. Shortcut undefined by default, assign a key in the settings |
Command | Purpose |
/say message | Sends your message to local chat |
/gr message | Sends your message to your group |
/g message | Sends your message to your guild |
/tell PlayerName message | Sends your message to a player |
Command |
/sword_in_ground |
/wave |
/point |
/stretch |
/angry |
/bashful |
/cheer |
/clapping |
/dismiss_two |
/excited_two |
/fistpump |
/happy |
/bow |
/buttslap |
/embarassed |
/flipthebird |
/loser |
/no_two |
/really |
/siton |
/sit |
/sad |
/salute |
/sleepon |
/sleep |
/shakefist |
/showingoff |
/thinking |
/throatslash |
/throatslash_two |
/tired |
/whatever |
/yes_two |
/dance |
/dance_gangamstyle |
/dance_bellydance |
/dance_cabbagepatch |
/dance_chickendance |
/dance_guitarsolo |
/dance_headbang |
/dance_hiphop |
/dance_macarena |
/dance_raisetheroof |
/dance_robot |
/dance_runningman |
/dance_twist |
Command | Purpose |
/bugreport | Displays the Bug Report link |
/custom | Opens the custom commands creation tool |
/exhausted | Displays which skills have reached the daily skill cap |
/fame or /fametitle | Shows your karma/fame and toggle your Lord/Lady title (Reputation) |
/healthbar | Opens a movable target’s health bar. Same as hotkey O |
/help | Opens the commands shortcuts. You can place them on your hotbar |
/help actions | Displays the emotes/animations list |
/itemstuck | Removes items that are stuck to your cursor |
/karma | Toggles criminal action warnings on/off (Notoriety) |
/macro | Opens the macro tool |
/motd | Opens Legends of Ultima Information Panel. News and Server Rules are displayed there |
/powerhour | Enables Power Hour for increased skill gain once per day |
/reloadui | Will refresh all of the HUD elements (also performs a Reset Window Positions) |
/resetwindowpos | Resets windows position. Helpful when off-screen windows occur. Try to re-open the window after the command |
/title | Opens the earned titles list |
/togglealerts | Toggles display of Server Alerts messages. Still shows the chat messages |
/togglearrows | Toggles the Arrows Counter for the HUD |
/togglebandages | Toggles the Bandages Counter for the HUD |
/toggleblood | Toggles the Blood effect on your screen |
/togglemotd | Toggles display of MoTD at login |
/toggleregs | Toggles the Reagents Counter for the HUD |
/vetrewards | Opens the Veteran Rewards dialog |
Command | Purpose |
/autodefend | Toggles Auto-Defender mode, stopping or allowing you from entering War Mode when attacked |
/bandageself | Applies a bandage to your character |
/targ | Target nearest target |
/targ enemy | Target nearest monster or criminal player |
/targ friendly | Target nearest party member |
/targ monster | Target nearest monster |
/targ pet | Target nearest pet |
Command | Purpose |
/guildtag | Toggles the Guild Tag |
/leaveguild | Leaves the guild |
/group | Opens the group window |
/leavegroup | Leaves the group |
Command | Purpose |
/evalint or /eval | Activates the Evaluate Intelligence skill |
/hide | Activates the Hiding skill |
/begging | Beg NPCs for gold |
/music | Activates the Musicianship skill |
/peace | Activates the Peacemaking skill |
/provo | Activates the Provocation skill |
/disc | Activates the Discordance skill |
/trytame | Activates the Animal Taming skill |
/detecthidden or /dh | Activates the Detect Hidden skill |
/spiritspeak or /ss | Activates the Spirit Speak skill |
/skillcap SkillName Value | Sets your skillcap. For example: /skillcap AnimalTaming 100 |
Command | Purpose |
/stuck | Teleports you to a safe location when stuck |
/time | Gives you current Game Time and UTC Time |
/nextreboot | Tells you what time the next reboot is (probably 9AM UTC, every 24 hours) |
/where | Gives your current Region, coordinates, and facing direction |
/ad | Toggles automatic opening of doors |
/opendoor or /od | Opens nearby door |
/spiritspeaksound or /sss | Toggles the Spirit Speak sound |
/canplace | Tells if you can place a house there or not |
/resync | Frees up client memory for onscreen objects to reduce client lag |
/refresh | Fixes graphic glitches (objects, players, NPCs) |
/delete or /delchar | Permanently deletes your player character. Must be 7 days old |
/wiki | Opens the LoU wiki in your default browser. You can start a search by adding search terms to the command: /wiki search terms |
/tutorial | Opens default web browser and goes to LoU tutorial video |
/playtime | Shows total play time for the character that you are logged into |
The /useresource ResourceName command lets you use an item as an alternative to dragging and dropping to your hotbar. It is generally more reliable than the hotbar method. The ResourceName is case-sensitive and follows the TypePotionStrength rule for potions.
Category | Item Name | Command |
Bandages | Bandage | /useresource Bandage |
Bolas | Bola | /useresource Bola |
Oil Cloth | Oil Cloth | /useresource OilCloth |
Agility potions | Lesser Agility Potion Agility Potion Greater Agility Potion |
/useresource AgilityPotionLesser /useresource AgilityPotion /useresource AgilityPotionGreater |
Cure potions | Lesser Cure Potion Cure Potion Greater Cure Potion |
/useresource CurePotionLesser /useresource CurePotion /useresource CurePotionGreater |
Explosion potions | Lesser Explosion Potion Explosion Potion Greater Explosion Potion |
/useresource ExplosionPotionLesser /useresource ExplosionPotion /useresource ExplosionPotionGreater |
Heal potions | Lesser Healing Potion Healing Potion Greater Healing Potion |
/useresource HealPotionLesser /useresource HealPotion /useresource HealPotionGreater |
Invisibility potion | Invisibility Potion | /useresource InvisibilityPotion |
Intelligence potions | Lesser Intelligence Potion Intelligence Potion Greater Intelligence Potion |
/useresource IntelligencePotionLesser /useresource IntelligencePotion /useresource IntelligencePotionGreater |
Nightsight potion | Nightsight Potion | /useresource NightsightPotion |
Poison potions | Lesser Poison Potion Poison Potion Greater Poison Potion Deadly Poison Potion |
/useresource PoisonPotionLesser /useresource PoisonPotion /useresource PoisonPotionGreater /useresource PoisonPotionDeadly |
Refresh potions | Refresh Potion Greater Refresh Potion |
/useresource RefreshPotion /useresource RefreshPotionGreater |
Stamina potions | Lesser Stamina Potion Stamina Potion Greater Stamina Potion |
/useresource StaminaPotionLesser /useresource StaminaPotion /useresource StaminaPotionGreater |
Strength potions | Strength Potion Greater Strength Potion |
/useresource StrengthPotion /useresource StrengthPotionGreater |
Speech commands are used with /say, eg. “/say Guards, call the banker and have the vendor buy me a beer”. The game is intelligent enough to break those commands out into distinct triggers, so have fun with creating your macros! This example would call the guards, open your bank and buy from a vendor all with the one /say command.
Command | Purpose |
guards | Calls the guards in Protected Zones |
vendor buy | Opens vendor’s items windows |
vendor sell | Sells selected item to the vendor |
bank | Opens your bank. Must be near a banker |
deposit x | Deposits x gold in your bank. (deposit all to deposit all the gold). Must be near a banker |
withdraw x | Withdraws x gold from your bank. (withdraw all to withdraw all the gold). Must be near a banker |
check x | Creates a check. x is the check’s value. (check all to write a check with all the gold in the bank) |
balance | Asks the banker for your current bank account balance |
I ban thee | Allows you to eject a player or monster from the interior of your home regardless if it’s locked |
remove thyself | Allows you to eject a player or monster from the interior of your home regardless if it’s locked |
I must consider my sins | Displays your murder count and stat loss remaining time |
I wish to lock this down | Lets you lock an item in your house |
I wish to release this | Lets you unlock an item in your house |
I wish to secure this | Lets you secure a container in your house |
I renounce my young player status | Lets you get rid you the Young Player status |
Pet Slash Commands | |
Command | Purpose |
— | — |
/mount or /remount | Toggles mounting of designated pet |
/setmount | Designates the targeted pet as your default mount for /mount and /remount |
/pet | Displays the current active pets slots used |
/trytame | Activates the Animal Taming skill. Attempts to tame the target |
/packanimal | Opens your pack animal’s inventory |
Pet Speech Commands | |
— | — |
all follow | Makes all your pets follow the target |
— | — |
all come | Makes all your pets come to the target |
all guard | Makes all your pets guard the target |
all kill | Makes all your pets attack the target |
all attack | Makes all your pets attack the target |
all stop | Makes all your pets stop what they are doing |
all release | Releases the targeted pet. |
Note that with the speech commands, the word ‘all’ can be replaced by a pet’s name to control just this pet. The commands can be followed by ‘me’ (eg. ‘all follow me’, ‘all guard me’) to make your character the target.
When using your Engraving Tool, place a HTML color code in brackets right before the name of the item: [ColorCode]Itemname[-] for example [#00FF00]Super Shovel[-]
This screenshot shows an example of [33BEFF]Alchemist