For your first character, it is highly recommended to go with a melee-based character (swords, mace fighting, fencing) in order to quickly make some initial gold and provide for your other characters. Some skills will be very expensive to raise, and as such, it can be difficult to start a fresh character with those skills as you cannot keep up with the gold required to make the character functional.
Please see Common Character Builds for suggested builds, specifically in the warrior/dexxer section.
If you go for the melee-based character as your first, definitely create it with 50% magery and 50% resisting spells.
Don't forget, your goal here is to establish yourself in the game, so don't worry if your first character doesn't have the skills you'd really like it to have. Once you have a couple characters up and running and you can support yourself with money etc., you can always re-skill your first character anyway!
When your character is first created, you will have the status of being a “Young” player. This status provides gear protection for the first 24 hours of gameplay (or upon reaching a threshold of skill level.) If you die, all of your items you had on your character will be in your bag when you are brought back to life. (If a young player commits ANY criminal act, they will immediately lose their young status. This includes your Blade Spirits and Energy Vortex attacking other player's pets.). It is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this 24 hours, that means, do not train AFK with a new player, since you will burn those hours too quickly. Raise stats, go out, and have fun, since you will not lose stuff on death. It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to easily collect gold without the risk of loosing it, much too valuable to waste it on afk macroing.
See Young Status for more info.
There are many types of items. I will review some of the more common items to help you get started on our shard. I will not be including all of the items in the game. You’ll have to discover some of them on your own!
Containers are items that can store additional items inside for organizational purposes. Most bags can hold 50 items while some crafted bags can hold more. You can right click a bag to set it as a “Loot Bag” or a “Craft Bag”. All items that are picked up with the auto loot feature will be placed in the “Loot Bag”. Items that are created during crafting will be placed in the “Craft Bag”. If you hover your mouse near the bottom of any container you will see a drop down option. Clicking this button will provide a drop down menu of all items within that container.
Armor is what protects you when you are hit in melee. The more Armor Rating or AR you have the less damage you will take from attacks. If you’re a mage, you may not want to wear heavy armors as you cannot meditate through it. (Mages can meditate in Leather Armor)
There are several weapon skills. Archery, Fencing, Mace Fighting and Swordsmanship.
Each weapon itself is categorized by a weapon class. Interrupt, Light, Medium, and Heavy are the weapon classes.
Interrupt weapons are designed to do exactly that. Interrupt spellcasting due to their extreme fast speed. They do not do very much damage though, especially if the target is armored.
Light weapons are more damaging than interrupt weapons but also slower.
Medium weapons are more damaging than light weapons but also slower. However they also benefit from special chance based abilities depending on what weapon skill they use.
Heavy weapons are the most damage and slowest weapons you can use. They also benefit from special chance based abilities depending on what weapon skill they use.
Some weapons only require one hand to use while heavier weapons require both hands. Hovering over an item will show you which category the weapon belongs to. Each weapon has unique abilities for the “Q” and “E” hotkeys that can be used once you have met the skill level requirements.
As with magic armor, you will find magic weapons while adventuring. The additional damage added to the weapon is based on the strength of the magic weapons enchantment. The strength of the weapon from least additional damage to most additional damage is; of ruin, of might, of force, of power and of vanquishing. Note that “of power” weapons are equivalent to exceptionally crafted weapons that players can create.
Magic Enhancement/Type | Bonus Damage |
Vanquishing | +9 |
Power | +7 |
Force | +5 |
Might | +3 |
Ruin | +1 |
These weapons are attuned to killing a specific foe. They do much more damage to that creature type than magical weapons. Creatures have enemies too! Slayer weapons will drop from creatures attuned against their enemy. For example; Undead creatures are enemies with humanoid creatures so they have a chance to drop Repond Slayer weapons while humanoid creatures have a chance to drop Undead Slaying/Silver weapons which are strong against undead. Each slayer type has an opposite enemy type that has a chance to drop them. If you know you’re going to be fighting a specific creature type for some time it would be wise to invest into a slayer weapon against that creature type.
Arrows are required to use your bow. They can be made by using the Fletching skill.
Bandages heal you, other players or pets depending upon which skills you have.
Used to rename bags, pouches, boxes, chests, etc. Extremely useful tool when trying to stay organized.
There are a variety of tools and crafting stations on LoU. Some allow you to gather resources while others allow you to perform specific functions or give you access to craft items with the appropriate skill. You can find most tools or crafting stations available to use in the cities.
Spellbook: This is where you store your spells permanently. You can open your spellbook by double clicking it or right clicking it and selecting “Open”. You can add spells to your spellbook by right clicking on scrolls and selecting “Add to Spellbook” or by dropping the scroll onto the spellbook itself. A spellbook will function while it is in your bag. You do NOT need to equip it, doing so will cause it to wear out and eventually be destroyed.
Reagents: The consumable components used to call a spell. These can be purchased in town from a mage vendor or an alchemist vendor. They can be harvested in small amounts randomly around the world as well.
Scrolls: These single use items allow a player to cast the spell with much lower skill than normally required. They are destroyed in the process upon successful cast.
Runes: These runes can be magically marked by mages using the Mark spell to store a specific location anywhere in the world. Once a rune has been marked you can use the Recall spell or the Gate spell to instantly teleport to that location.
Banks: Your bank storage can be accessed by visiting the “banker” NPC’s inside the cities. Say “bank” in say chat and the bank box will open. You can store goods here and access them at any other banker in the world. Banks are not shared between characters. Bankers have commands that you may speak to deposit gold, withdraw gold, create checks or check your bank balance. Checks can only be remade into gold with the bank box. Place the check in your bank box and double click it to make it return to gold. Checks are blessed items. They cannot be stolen or looted. Use these for safe transfers.
/say deposit “Number” | Will deposit gold from your bag in the amount listed. |
/say deposit all | Will deposit all gold from your bag. |
/say withdraw “Number” | Will withdraw gold from your bank in the amount listed. |
/say check “Number” | Will write a check in the amount listed and place it in bank. |
/say balance | Will announce your bank balance in say chat. |
These commands are intended for making custom commands. You can simply walk up to a banker and say "deposit all" without "/say" in front.
NPC Vendors: These are the vendors in cities and towns across the world. They will have goods for sale. You can either double click them, right click them or speak to them to interact. Some vendors will buy specific items from you. (The items a vendor will buy from you have been limited to stimulate the player economy.) I would advise NOT buying any tools from NPC vendors as they are very overpriced. You should visit player vendors for the majority of your needs.
Player Vendors: Players who own a house can hire vendors to work for them and sell their goods. You can access them in the same way as NPC vendors. Some player vendors store everything they are selling within the vendors bag. You can hover over items to see the price and right click if you wish to buy the item. Not all vendors are set up like this, other players may put the good for sale on tables or in chests on the tables. If a vendor is empty, look at the tables to see if he/she is using this method. I suggest using the drop down menu within the containers to make for easier browsing of a vendors goods.
Congratulations! You've made it! You’re ready to start adventuring. Here's what you need to know before heading out into the wild.
Pets Bond after 10 days - right-click them and select "Start Bonding".
"Give Affection" every day (every 20 hours) to lower this timer by 1 day per coddle, to a minimum of 5 days.
Released pets will vanish never to be seen again. It takes 15 minutes for a released pet to Vanish.
You get 6 stable slots. With 100 Animal Taming you get +2 stable slots. With 100 Animal Lore you get +2 stable slots. With 100 Veterinary you get +2 stable slots. You can get a max of 12 stable slots.
A lot of information about this can be found on the Notoriety page.
Mouse over the bottom of any container or your inventory or even your bank, and look for the little arrow on the left.
Click it for a list view of the contents.